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"La Suza falls into the canvas in Love. Without a parachute. She dives into another world in her drawings with a lot of passion and talent...", said illustrator and graphic designer Roland Beier at the opening of the exhibition "Here and Now" in Dresden. The internationally known artist and painter La Suza implements her view of femininity in her extraordinary style of black and white, ink and oil. Susann Flasche, born in 1979, is an artist living in Dresden. "La Suza" stands for beauty, freedom, madness, harmony and dreams. She has been painting freelance with passion since 2015. Under her pseudonym "La Suza", recurring elements are water and the sea. As a self-confessed mermaid, she gives the lovable creature the opportunity in a variety of ways to flow into the viewers' thoughts on the gentle waves of the sea. Little by little, her passion for painting developed into professional art and her profession. Her black and white ink drawings mostly show young women in expressive and dreamy poses. Other color accents are very carefully chosen. She was inspired to create this style of painting by comics and their Japanese counterparts, manga. Having decided to turn her passion into her profession, she now lives very happily in Dresden. Thanks to her creativity and business sense, she is one of the artists whose originals and art prints are in great demand. In addition, her style can be perfectly adapted to home accessories and textiles. She appeals to the tastes of all generations. But despite all her success, La Suza would not be Susann Flasche if she did not share it: she supports numerous charity events such as "Tellerlein deck dich", "Aufwind Kinder- und Jugendfonds Dresden eV", UNICEF and others.

La Suza
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